Krzesło pamięcią sięgało lasu
(Eng. The chair reached with memory to the forest)
(Eng. The chair reached with memory to the forest)
inspired by the poem "Śmierć Jesienina" (Yesenin's Death) of H. Poświatowska (excerpt)
This is the second part of the same project:

pamięcią sięgało lasu
pokolenia cierpliwych buków
nabrzmiewały w pniu
pokolenia liści
kładły się na ziemi
cieniutką smużką koloru
czerw serca
the chair
it reached with memory to the forest
the generations of patient beech
would swell in the bole
there grew
the generations of leaves
without a rustle
they would lie down on the ground
in a thin smudge of hue
the maggot of heart
poetry of H. Poświatowska (excerpt)
translated from the Polish by Marek Lugowski