Pod tańcem złotych lamp
(Eng. Underneath the dance of the golden lamps)
(Eng. Underneath the dance of the golden lamps)
inspired by poetry by H. Poświatowska (excerpt)
Halina Poswiatowska d. 11 October 1967
translated from the Polish
by Marek Lugowski
29 October 2004 Chicago, Illinois
Halina Poswiatowska d. 11 October 1967
translated from the Polish
by Marek Lugowski
29 October 2004 Chicago, Illinois

Pod tańcem
złotych lamp
fruwają nisko
proste anioły pragnień (...)
złotych lamp
fruwają nisko
proste anioły pragnień (...)
Underneath the dance
of the golden lamps
the simple angels of desires
fly low (...)
of the golden lamps
the simple angels of desires
fly low (...)